Billing & Refunds

Is my order eligible for returns or a refund?

Unfortunately, due to the nature of our products we are unable to accept returns or issue refunds. If there is a problem with your order or the products that arrived in your shipment, please review our other frequently asked questions, to know how to proceed.

What if I do not accept my order?

If an order is refused at delivery for any reason, the customer will be required to pay for the return shipping as well as forfeit a 20% restocking fee.

Is it too late to cancel my order?

We understand situations arise and orders occasionally need to be canceled.  A cancellation must be processed prior to tracking information being generated. If your order has not been assigned tracking, please call our customer care team immediately to confirm cancellation and stop the shipment. 

Once canceled you will receive an email confirmation from one of our dedicated team members.

How can I buy my products using a purchase order?

Prior to submitting a purchase order, your company needs to establish a credit line with us. You can complete our Credit Line Application for our team to review. Approval can take 1 to 2 business days, but please reach out if you wish to expedite this process to place an immediate order.

Once your application has been approved, you have the ability to submit purchase orders in a few different ways.

  1. Submit Purchase Order (located in our website footer)
  2. Email your purchase order to
  3. “Pay” via purchase order at checkout

Does Lab Alley offer a credit line?

Credit lines are available to our approved business customers. To apply for a credit line and Net30 terms, please submit a Credit Line Application. The approval process can take up to 1 to 2 business days, but if you need to place an order immediately please give us a call after completing your application.

How do I place tax-exempt orders?

All eligible customers can complete our online exemption form.  A member of our team will review and process your form within 2 business days.  If you need to place an immediate order, please call our customer care team to expedite this process for you. 

Please note, if you place an order prior to receiving your approval, taxes can not be refunded.

What additional fees can I expect?

At Lab Alley we strive to keep the cost to our customer as low as possible.  There are some circumstances where additional fees would apply. If a product is specially regulated, whether legally or by our carriers, a “Hazmat Handling Fee” or a “Poison Pack Fee” will be added to your shopping cart. Shipping costs and taxes are not calculated in our displayed product pricing and will be incurred at the time of purchase.

What payment methods are accepted by Lab Alley?

For your convenience we are able to accept a number of payment methods. These include the following.

  1. Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover Card)
  2. PayPal
  3. ACH
  4. Wire (Fee applies)
  5. Check

How can I check my available credit balance?

If you are unsure of your company’s exact available credit amount, simply reach out to us and one of our dedicated customer care team members will be happy to assist you with this inquiry.