VMP Naphtha

VMP Naphtha, also known as VM&P Naphtha, is a colorless liquid that is a versatile solvent boasting a high evaporation rate . It is similar in strength to mineral spirits (paint thinner), but has a faster drying time and a pleasant, sweet smell.

properties of VM&P Naphtha:

  • Chemical Formula: A mixture of aliphatic hydrocarbons, typically C5-C12.
  • Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid
  • Odor: Pleasant, sweet smell
  • Flash Point: 14 – 18 °C (57 – 64 °F) (highly flammable)
  • Boiling Point: 118 – 150 °C (244 – 302 °F)
  • Solubility: Insoluble in water, soluble in most organic solvents

Uses of VM&P Naphtha:

  • Thinner: VM&P Naphtha is a common thinner for oil-based paints, stains, varnishes, and enamels. It is preferred over mineral spirits when a faster drying time is desired.
  • Cleaning Solvent: VM&P Naphtha is an excellent solvent for cleaning greasy, waxy, oily surfaces and machine parts. It can also be used to clean brushes and spray equipment used with oil-based paints.
  • Fuel: VM&P Naphtha can be used as a fuel for camp stoves and lanterns. However, it is not as common as other camp fuels such as white gas or kerosene.
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