
How can I request a quote?

We are happy to hear that you are interested in learning more about our quality products and competitive pricing. Our website displays all accurate pricing on our products, shipping rates, and taxes. Those will be displayed prior to payment. 

If you are interested in our bulk pricing or require a formal quote we invite you to submit a quote request through our website. Our quotes are valid for 30 days.

Does Lab Alley offer any kind of promotion?

We have a number of ongoing promotions!

  1. SMS Signup 
  2. Email Notification Signup
  3. Bulk Discounting
  4. Rotating Special Offers, Product Discounts, and Holiday Promos

Make sure you subscribe to our ongoing email newsletter to stay updated on current promotions.

Do we offer samples?

For your convenience, we offer a variety of sizes on numerous products. While we do not offer complimentary samples, we highly recommend purchasing the smallest available size for any testing that you may require.

Do our price match?

We strive to preemptively provide the best possible pricing for our customers. However, we are always happy to take a look at a competitor offering a comparable product at a lower price.  We are committed to earning and keeping your business! 

Please feel free to reach out to our team if you have any questions.